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North County Messenger

Sacramento Blankets for Sacramento Kids Readies for Holiday Giveaway

Oct 08, 2024 11:46AM ● By Claire Gliddon, Sacramento Blankets for Sacramento Kids

Kindergarteners are giddy with their blankets and Beanie Babies from Sacramento Blankets for Sacramento Kids. Photo courtesy of Claire Gliddon

SACRAMENTO REGION, CA (MPG) - Got Beanie Babies?

Sacramento Blankets for Sacramento Kids (SBSK) is asking for donations of new or “almost new” Beanie Babies all year long.  Every September, Sacramento Blankets for Sacramento Kids picks as many of the lowest-income elementary schools they can and finds out how many kindergarteners they have. 

Volunteers make double fleece blankets (about 40” x 60”) and a little fleece pouch with a Beanie Baby in it to go with each blanket for its Kindergarten Project. Sacramento Blankets for Sacramento Kids gives blankets and fleece pouches to the children right before Christmas break. Some of the kindergarteners live in cars or in places without heat and this is all they get for Christmas.

The gifts are very popular with the teachers and the children.

This is Sacramento Blankets for Sacramento Kids’ 11th year for the Kindergarten Project and the volunteers hope to continue doing it as long as they can get Beanie Babies. In 2023, Sacramento Blankets for Sacramento Kids gave out more than 2,394 blankets and Beanie Babies for its Kindergarten Project!

Sacramento Blankets for Sacramento Kids is always looking for more volunteers to make blankets year round for children in need. Like to knit, crochet, sew, quilt, make no-sew blankets and have run out of people to make gifts for? We’re looking for you. 

If you would like more information about Sacramento Blankets for Sacramento Kids, go to and sign in. There is no pressure, no timelines, no meetings, just others who enjoy crocheting, knitting, quilting, sewing, making no-sew blankets and helping many children at the same time. 

Sacramento Blankets for Sacramento Kids is a nonprofit organization that serves children in need from infants to 18-year-olds. While the volunteers help all year long, the Kindergarten Project is their “special” project of the year.